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Financial Decision Making Using Your Strengths
Lesson 1: Signature Strengths
Introduction (2:58)
Introduction to Making Responsible Financial Choices and Life Planning
Classroom Exercise on Financial Literacy
Introduction to Signature Strengths
Control, Confidence and Consistency
Wrap Up and Exit Ticket
Lesson 2: Social Messaging - Gender
Introduction (2:07)
Warm-Up and Review
Money Scripts and Gender
Acting Out Our Scripts
Knowledge Is Power
Beliefs and Attitudes About Money
Different Investing Styles
Working Together
Exit Ticket and Wrap-Up
Lesson 3: Social Messaging - Keeping Up
Introduction (1:30)
Warm-Up and Review
Introduction to Stereotypes
From Stereotype to Script
Remember that Knowledge is Power
Wrap-Up and Homework
Lesson 4: Social Messaging - Childhood Messages
Introduction (2:26)
Warm-Up and Review
Part 1: First Impressions
Part 2: Your Financial Personality
Wrap-Up and Homework
Warm-Up and Review
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